Friday, June 24, 2011

Out of the Frying Pan and Into the Hot Pot

So this week I had one of my very first food adventures in Hong Kong; I tried hot pot. To give you a basic image of what hot pot is, refer to one of its informal names: Chinese fondue. What hot pot consists of is a large metal bowl at the center of your table, which is sitting on a small burner and filled with boiling broth. You are given plates of raw food and you cook the food in the boiling broth, dip it in soy sauce and eat it all using your finely honed chopstick skills.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Holy Guacamole!

Steph's addictive and pretty darn authentic guacamole

I promised in my previous post that I would post this recipe, so here it is!

Unda Quesadillas and Big Buddhas

I love those rare Sundays when the sun is shining and you realize as you slowly roll out of bed, that there is nothing you have to do; no bills or work projects, or errands that just have to be taken care of. Today was one of those glorious days, so I decided to take full advantage of it. This meant making myself a delicious unda-style quesadilla and exploring the Temple of Ten Thousand Buddhas.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Here it goes!

It's amazing how crazy ideas take ahold of you and with little chance to catch your breath or think it through properly, they manifest themselves and leave you look back wondering what you just got yourself into. Starting a food blog was one such crazy idea. It popped into my head a few days ago as a way for me to connect with my friends and family, document my adventures in Hong Kong, and most importantly, talk about my ridiculous obsession with food.

Now, I have never been described as a diligent writer; my most productive writing periods have always been about four hours before a paper was due. The thought of writing for pleasure and writing on a voluntary basis is, admittedly, a bit daunting for me, but like most endeavors in my life, I see this as a chance for self-improvement. So I will try to post on this here blog, and I will even try to post consistently. I don't promise anything, but I'll certainly give it a go. I hope you enjoy my musings on food, travel, and this crazy idea called life!